Expert coaching is a powerful tool for helping individuals reach their goals and achieve success. It can be divided into four key pillars of evidence-based coaching (EBC). Companies across the United States are increasingly looking to hire entry-level employees, and one talent pool that is often overlooked is Opportunity Youth. This group consists of young adults aged 16 to 24 who are out of work or without a college degree, but who possess the 21st century skills that employers need.
In the US alone, there are more than 4 million Opportunity Youth. Organizations that successfully hire, train, and support Opportunity Youth form a committed body of entry-level talent who are highly loyal. One of the main training skills is conscious listening, which is “the most recognized skill for improving the quality of the coaching relationship and perhaps the most important”. With total autonomy, clients receive an ongoing invitation to confirm, clarify, and expand what the coach perceives and reflects on.
Perceptual reflections are key to client self-awareness and successful behavioral change, as they can facilitate dramatic relief or emotional responses. The practice of expanding awareness is a key component of helping clients develop their own self-awareness. This is part of the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, which provides students with weekly “being” and “doing” training skills. Through continuous feedback and supervision, they learn to model authentic communication and use it fluently in their training sessions.
This practice helps them become more self-aware and discover invaluable awareness and vision. Throughout the one-year program, students are given weekly tasks, practical coaching sessions, mentoring, and feedback to explore their identity and discover more of their “true self” as master coaches, passionate professionals, and compassionate people. By cultivating self-awareness through this program, individuals can gain the skills they need to become successful coaches.